Courses: 1 - 5 of 5
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Advertising and Public Relations: Featuring BP
In 1998, two giant energy companies, British Petroleum and Amoco merged. The new company, now called simply, "BP" underwent a massive rebranding effort. In 2001, the company launched an ad campaign called "BP on the Street." This was a new type of campaign for BP. It was an image campaign. Rather th... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Publicity
The Phoenix Suns have an in-house agency. Their efforts include billboards, cooperative campaigns with other groups and products, and press releases that keep the team and players in the public eye. An in-house video production team creates materials to distribute information, present interviews, an... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Marketing Segmentation
Harvey Shank, VP of Marketing for the Phoenix Suns, discusses how the team has cut its niche in the local entertainment market and how the development of advertising packages has allowed them to extend their reach. Tom Ambrose, VP of Public Relations for the team, discusses the importance of creatin... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Pricing Goods and Services
The Phoenix Suns have the combination of experience and instinct to guide them in their pricing. The renewal rate for season tickets reflects the fans' satisfaction with the team, its games, and the great entertainment that is provided. The demand is high. Advertising fees, opportunities, and mercha... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Phoenix Suns have an in-house agency. Their efforts include billboards, cooperative campaigns with other groups and products, and press releases that keep the team and players in the public eye. An in-house video production team creates materials to distribute information, present interviews, an... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only