Courses: 1 - 12 of 67
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A typical day
Talk about what you do everyday, what you often do and what you never do.The Basic English learning package comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design to engage learners of English.Designed by Linguistics Expert Dr FRan Byrnes and Psychologist... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
About Us
In this program we describe people - both physical andnon-physical descriptions. It introduces asking personal questions,simple words, expressions and tips and a practice section. In thisprogram we describe people - both physical and non physicaldescriptions.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Agreeing and Disagreeing
Learn to agree or disagree appropriately and use the first conditional to express possibilities. Each video has five sections: Language Functions, Grammar, Idioms, Vocabulary, Pronunciation. 20 FUN ESL VIDEOS Shot on location in USA Learn English as it is REALLY spok
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Learn to apologize appropriately and identify verbs that take the infinitive -want, seem, attempt, demand, expect, like and love. Each video has five sections: Language Functions, Grammar, Idioms, Vocabulary, Pronunciation. 20 FUN ESL VIDEOS Shot on location in USA
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciating Diversity
Carol returns from vacation to find that Marcus has hired two non-English speakers, to develop diversity at work. Carol and her boss Serena have concerns about their minimum English and the consequent perceptions of Cutting Edge Corporation appearing unprofessional. Carlos and Tammy manage to retain... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Are you OK?
This program covers our wellbeing and simple language for feelingunwell, It introduces the use of should, simple words, expressions andtips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chatting:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Asking for help
Ask others for help, directly and indirectly, and say why you need help.The Basic English learning package comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design to engage learners of English.Designed by Linguistics Expert Dr FRan Byrnes and Psychologist ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Asking Questions
Learn to ask for information, recognize rhetorical questions and use closed, open and statement questions to get quality answers. Each video has five sections: Language Functions, Grammar, Idioms, Vocabulary, Pronunciation. 20 FUN ESL VIDEOS Shot on location in USA Learn
DVD style course with completion certificate only
At home
This program covers language for things we do in and around ourhomes. It introduces the use of Let s, simple words, expressions andtips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chatting:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
At the market
This program covers languages for shopping at the market andchecking prices. It introduces the use of this to establish a time,simple words, expressions and tips and a practice section. In thisprogram covers languages for shopping at the market and checking prices. Int
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Be Careful
Give warnings. Talk about what is safe or unsafe, and why.The Basic English learning package comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design to engage learners of English.Designed by Linguistics Expert Dr FRan Byrnes and Psychologist Eve Ash.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Can I help?
Offer your help to other people - ask how you can help, ask what you can do.The Basic English learning package comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design to engage learners of English.Designed by Linguistics Expert Dr FRan Byrnes and Psycholog... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only