Courses: 1 - 12 of 15
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Cadetships Students Face a Panel
Cam and James are school-leavers who have been successful with their online cadetship applications, but did not expect to walk into such a large interview panel with a minefield of questions. See them struggle through a barrage of scenario questions.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Café Interviews Mistakes & Success
Young job seekers will smile at the 12 classic mistakes made by Tasha, Kirra and Charlotte. See how they overcome their lack of experience and turn their interview performances into success by showing enthusiasm and initiative.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Customer Service Role Plays
Tasha, Dustin, Charlotte and Sally are put to the test when they are each confronted by an unexpected role play scenario as part of their interview. Learn how to do well even in challenging situations, and even if you have never before been to an interview. Sally's coaching session gives excellent a... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Event Assistant Interviews
Dustin, Kirra and Charlotte are three young job seekers with virtually no experience. They are interviewed for an event assistant job and have a lot of questions to answer, and that"s not all they will have to do!
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Graduate Interviews
Mat and Anna perform extremely well in their corporate interviews with a panel of two interviewers. It's a close result but what will determine who succeeds in getting the job?
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Group Assessment Interview
Five very different applicants are thrown into a group interview in an assessment centre with on the spot performance challenges. Hear the panel of five assessors compare the performances of Mat, Anna, Sally, Stu and Dustin. Learn more about what to expect and how to present.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Job Interview Success Series
This dynamic new series uses a variety of case studies and examples, with excellent advice and practical information to help ensure success at a wide range of interviews. A must for everyone wanting to succeed at job interviews, especially young people and those who lack confidence.
Job Interviews No Surprises
Young job seeker with no experience, unemployed or wanting a better job? Find out what to expect like question types, panels, role plays, work tests and even group challenges.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Office Interview Confidence & Persistence
Ben demonstrates the importance of confidence and persistence. After missing the closing date for an office administration job, Ben calls and convinces the manager to interview him. His persistence pays off and he presents extremely well, demonstrating a range of excellent skills.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Pitching Your Business
Learn 20 practical tips when pitching your business - with no brochures, AV or previous referral - to someone who does not need or want what you are offering. Whilst this interview is face to face it could also be done by phone. Find out how to turn objections into opportunities
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Positive Mindset for Interviews
Learn some strategies for developing a positive attitude for interviews. Use positive scripts to build confidence and overcome anxiety. See the benefit of coaching and find out how dressing for success and using positive body language will always give you an edge.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Receptionist Interviews
Kirra, Charlotte and Rochelle lack experience, but try for the job of receptionist. They get experience in job interviews but none are successful. The employer provides valuable advice about how to improve.
DVD style course with completion certificate only