Courses: 1 - 12 of 91
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"To Don't" List
Most of us have "to Do" lists. But sometimes we over commit. So on occasion you might want to think about creating a "To Don't" list. It helps you prioritize. Focus formally on "To Don'ts!"
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 19 E's of Excellence
Tom lists 19 words that encompass "Excellence"
DVD style course with completion certificate only
20x12=240 - Lunch Opportunities
20x12=240. 240 is the number of potential useful opportunities to connect with someone in your organization. Use it to build relationships. Use it to mend relationships. Use it to Connect with people. It's a powerful tool.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 3 H's
Tom describes the extraordinary leadership talents of Howard Schultz, Conrad Hilton and Herb Kelleher. Treat employees like customers, stay in touch, sweat the details, it's always about people.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
3 Minute Apologies
Think about setting aside some time for three minute calls. Tom believes nothing is more powerful (and difficult) than apologies. If you fail to do this, it can set of a downward spiral. If you do it, it can create a virtuous spiral.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 3 Most Important Words
It may be hard to say, but here are the three most important words for any leader, "I don't know!" Use them. Managers aren't hired because they have the answers. They're hired because they can find people with the answers.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 4 Most Important Words
As a leader, you don't know everything,. Remember (and use) these four words and you will benefit enormously. The words are, "What do you think?"
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A Bias for Action
One of the original concepts from "In Search of Excellence" was "A Bias for Action." It's still very important. You need to try lots of stuff! Be willing to try and fix things. You'll always be ahead of the competition.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A Bias for Action - Wayne Gretsky
One of Tom-s very favorite slides speaks directly to "bias for action." It-s a quote from the hockey player, Wayne Gretsky. Gretsky said, "You miss 100% of the shots you never take." Or, as Tom says, "If you aren-t trying it; it isn-t gong to happen!"
DVD style course with completion certificate only
American vs. Southwest Airlines
On one day in Dallas, two airlines were each having annual meetings. The difference between the two couldn't have been more pronounced. The American Airlines meeting had demonstrations, The Southwest Airlines meeting had celebrations.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Angry People Make Change
Tom says that change and innovation come primarily from "pissed off people" who are frustrated with the status quo. If you want to succeed you need to channel that anger into new ideas.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Answer These Questions
As a leader, you need to develop your people. To do so, think about answering these questions. They will help you with promoting people and can reveal how excellent you are as a leader.
DVD style course with completion certificate only