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How to stop them leaving How to retain your best people
How to retain your best people
aka: ”How to stop them leaving” The aim To give managers practical solutions for spotting, and keeping hold of, people planning to leave. About the program Someone resigning often comes as a complete shock. Even if you saw the warning signs, and just didn't do anything about them, the number of thou... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Walk Awhile In My Shoes
"...we can meet in the middle and walk the rest of the way together."From top management to shop floors, all people share the same basic need to be heard, understood, and appreciated. The destructive polarization of the hidden emotion "us vs. them" all
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Will My Mentor Make A Difference?
Mentoring People of Color for Successful Careers A couple of years ago, View Magazine called our series, Diversity: Creating Success for Business and People "one of the best products about diversity on the market." And customers agreed! Now, we can offer you a follow-up series from the same company,... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only