Courses: 1 - 12 of 31
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Course View Style
Anna or Mat?
Watch Bill and Mark interview Anna and Mat using a wide range of question styles. Then see the panel review of each applicant and a final comparison review. Who is better suited to the job? What else will be required to assess their suitability?
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Assessment Centre Interviews
Assessment centres are a powerful way to assess competencies such as problem solving, communication and leadership.Mark leads his panel to assess five applicants. They use two challenge situations to assess key competencies and discuss the performance of each applicant to narrow the field. Key point... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Balancing Act: Gender Issues and Career Development
A couple of years ago, View Magazine called our series, Diversity: Creating Success for Business and People "one of the best products about diversity on the market." And customers agreed. Now, we can offer you a follow-up series from the same company, ARMC. Building a Diverse Workforce for the Globa... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Behavioral interviewing: Taking the guess work out of recruiting
Taking the guesswork out of recruitment
The aim To use the concept of 'behavioral interviewing' to predict the future performance of candidates. About the program Behavioral interviewing: taking the guesswork out of recruitment shows how to conduct an effective interview. It shows that past behavior is the key to predicting future perform... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Behavioural Interview Triggers
A wide variety of behavioural and situational interview scenarios are provided to enable viewers to critique each one and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the interviewers' approach.There are 18 trigger scenarios grouped for ease of use, accompanied by an excellent set of key learning points ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Beyond words for hiring and interviewing (episode 1)
Did you know that some jury consultants use body language experts when they are screening jurors? Apply these same skills to interviewing job applicants. A hiring and interviewing training video featuring leading body language expert Jan Hargrave. A hiring and interviewing training video featuring l... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Beyond words for hiring and interviewing (episode 2)
Did you know that some jury consultants use body language experts when they are screening jurors? Apply these same skills to interviewing job applicants. A hiring and interviewing training video featuring leading body language expert Jan Hargrave. A hiring and interviewing training video featuring l... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Beyond words for hiring and interviewing (episode 3)
Did you know that some jury consultants use body language experts when they are screening jurors? Apply these same skills to interviewing job applicants. A hiring and interviewing training video featuring leading body language expert Jan Hargrave. A hiring and interviewing training video featuring l... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Body Language & Rapport in Interviewing
The body language and tone of interviewers have a big impact on job applicants.Find out the five best ways to build rapport and ensure you put your applicants at ease.Learn about providing encouragement and explaining positively and how to invite and respond well to questions.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Effective Performance Management
Building a Quality Organization In any organization it is critical that all individuals work toward the same objectives and goals. They must know:what they are expected to dowhy they are to do itwhen it must be doneEffective Performance Management Building a Quality Organization provides the tools n... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Fatal Interview
Recruiting People Of Color A couple of years ago, View Magazine called our series, Diversity: Creating Success for Business and People "one of the best products about diversity on the market." And customers agree! Now, we can offer you a follow-up series from the same company, ARMC. Building a Diver... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Hire for Attitude
Why focus on attitude? Quite simply, skills can be taught. Attitude cannot. You've probably had the experience of hiring someone who you thought was perfect for the job—only to find out later that the person could not work within the organization. With fewer people doing more work these days, organi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only