Courses: 1 - 12 of 44
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Adding Too Much Value (Marshall Goldsmith)
True story written by executive coach Marshall Goldsmith: Driving home from work one day, a telecom CEO sees a phone booth on the corner where he lives. The next day, he walks up to an engineer and asks, nonchalantly, -I wonder why we have a phone booth on the corner of -x and y.- Do you know?-Vario... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Four time America's Cup Winner Dennis Conner, who has assembled many great sailing teams, says he hires based on positive attitude. He says leaders who are managing high-stress conditions have to be very careful not to blow the team's enthusiasm.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Avoid Favoritism & Blind Spots
Marshall Goldsmith, who coaches Fortune 100 CEOs, says leaders are often blind to how they're playing favorites.Favoritism can kill innovation, problem-solving and effective decision-making. It can also lead to a talent drain since one of the biggest drivers of motivation is contribution. When an em... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Back-Time to What Matters Most with Stephen Covey
Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, says in Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind, that you can direct how you want your career and life to unfold by looking, well, at the end of your life and career. Throw yourself forward 10,20,30 years. How do you want your career... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ben & Jerry Innovation and Teams
The story of the ice-cream team of Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield has so many lessons to it. First and foremost, it's about looking at an obstacle or failure as an opportunity. There were several points in their lives that Ben & Jerry could have thrown in the towel. They wanted other careers. They wan... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ben & Jerry, Social Conscience and a Sense of Humor in Business
Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield were two hippies who created an ice-cream empire in the unlikely cold-climate of Vermont. They wanted to earn a living making bagels but couldn't get investors. Finally, they decided on ice-cream because there weren't many ice-cream stores in Vermont. While they joke abo... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Benefit of Behavior Change
Sometimes, change is required at a more fundamental level, in our own behavior, to succeed. We might be putting off our peers, subordinates or bosses. This takes a tough look at ourselves, a self-awareness, that is anything but ''a soft skill.-Executive coach and best-selling author,Marshall Goldsmi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Bring Out Positive Attitude
This video explores the hidden rules and agendas we all have and how to bring our biases to the surface. By exploring our self-awareness, we get off auto-pilot and stop negative behaviors. We are now able to engage to contribute our creativity and solve business problems. Matthew Fox is a religious,... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Communicate to Influence
Want to know how to get through to people who think differently than you? When listening or talking we need to be aware of how the other person hears us; the filters through which they listen are based on how they operate in life. Some people operate by how they feel. These are the people who want t... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Conflict, Collaboration and Communication
Are you aware of how you're communicating with others? Are you reactive? Do you snap back when you are stressed? Do you hold back out of fear of speaking? Can you control your responses? Theologian and author of The Reinvention of Work, and many other books, Mathew Fox explains how if we are conscio... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Confront Values with Marshall Goldsmith
Marshall Goldsmith has worked with nearly 100 Fortune 500 CEOs and their teams on behavior change. He coaches change needed to reach their goals. He says, -If we can listen and think about what others see in us, we can compare the self that we want to be with the self that we are presenting and begi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Creating Team with Bill Bradley
Former U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate Bill Bradley says performance is not just about the individual. You may remember Bill Bradley from when he ran for President or, from when he represented New Jersey, as a US Senator. Senator Bradley, however, got this start and notoriety from being a st... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only