Courses: 1 - 10 of 10
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Handling the baggage
All sorts of different people make up a workplace. Everyone is impacted by a complex range of personal circumstances that go on outside of work - things shaped by personalities, relationships, finances and physical and social environments. Sometimes personal issues can dominate someone to the extent... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Has the buck stopped yet?
Responsibility ' every individual in every workplace has it, but sadly, there are some who don't take it. This animated program features Tom, an experienced employee who is responsible for inducting Buck, a new recruit, into his organisation. When Tom tries to pass the buck on Buck, we see the conse... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
It's all about culture
The culture of any workplace is shaped by its people. It is unique to each workplace because the people are unique. If the personnel changes, so does the culture ' often in small, but significant ways. This program covers important aspects of identifying, building and changing a workplace culture. W... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Journey: reflections on change
The legendary Indian-Pacific train joins the Indian and Pacific Oceans as it traverses the vast continent of Australia. It courses along the longest section of straight track on the planet. A camera locked onto the front of the train presents stunning images of changing light, weather and landscapes... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Lessons from geese
This moving and stimulating program will give your conference or training session a whole new impetus. In just over two minutes it teaches five key lessons for every team in a moving and musical way. Against the musical background of 'Groovin with Mr Bloe', it shares dramatic footage of geese flying... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Management styles: authoritarian and delegative
Training Point Issues in Management #2 Management styles can be broadly categorised into four types. In this program, we examine two styles ' authoritarian and delegative. As two recruitment companies meet for their
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Management styles: paternalistic and collaborative
Training Point Issues in Management #1 Management styles can be broadly categorised into four types. In this program, we examine two types ' paternalistic and collaborative. Observed through the eyes of a waiter, as two
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Managing generation Y
Three generations are now in the workplace, and the youngest ' Generation Y ' are making their mark. They view the workplace very differently from Baby Boomers or Generation X. Having grown up with technology, they are digital natives ' information and communication has always been instant. They wan... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Spirit of the dolphin - lessons for the workplace
"Spirit", it's a word that conjures many images, think of it as a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character. Then you'll understand "The Spirit of the Dolphin". The dolphin is an animal of grace and joy. Its core behaviours represent its spirit. It's a spirit we can ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The value in mentoring
Mentoring programs are undoubtedly a hot topic ' if not being implemented in every workplace, they are certainly widely discussed and considered. Produced in Melbourne, this video from Training Point demonstrates the value of effective workplace mentoring. Amidst issues with bumbling employees, fluc... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only