Courses: 1 - 6 of 6
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How to lose customers without really trying
Keeping the customer satisfied
The aim To ensure anyone dealing with customers learns the basic techniques for achieving customer satisfaction. About the program This program clearly demonstrates that the same guidelines for keeping customers satisfied apply in different situations, from sales to service to a retail checkout or r... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
I'd like a word with you
The discipline interview
The aim To ensure managers appreciate how to maintain people's long-term performance by applying necessary discipline. About the program This program shows managers and team leaders who have responsibilities for staff just how badly a discipline interview can be handled. By analyzing the wrong way t... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
It's your choice: Selection skills for managers
Selection skills for managers
The aim To provide managers with all the necessary skills to conduct an effective recruiting interview. About the program A selection interview is a bit like detective work. Suspects must be eliminated until the right person is found, whether from inside or outside the organization. Making the right... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Performance review part one: Every manager's nightmare
A new approach to appraisals
The aim To change the way every person in your organization approaches appraisals. About the program Every organization has a different kind of performance review system. Even so, the reaction to reviews is often the same - one of horror. Performance review sets out to encourage individuals to think... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Who sold you this then?
Effective after-sales service
The aim To give service staff an appreciation of the skills required to satisfy customers and represent the business in a professional light. About the program Charlie, a service repair man, is called out to a number of typical service scenarios, but on each occasion he manages to criticize everythi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
You'll soon get the hang of it
The techniques of one-to-one training
The aim The rules to follow to teach people in your care how to do a job. About the program You'll soon get the hang of it is the definitive program on the techniques of one-on-one training. Written and presented by Hugh Laurie, it looks at both the theory and practice of training in a typically hum... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only