Courses: 1 - 12 of 42
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Muppet Meeting Films: Benefits
Muppet Meeting Opener Use a hilarious satire to introduce your new medical benefits plan. Compared to the difficulties our frustrated employees face untangling their benefits labyrinth, your program will look like a dream! Let the MUPPET crew give your meetings a boost with their award-winning Muppe... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Blinded By Research
Muppet Meeting Opener Market research is the foundation of many important business decisions. Join us for a stabbing look at research gone awry. Let the MUPPET crew give your meetings a boost with their award-winning Muppet Meeting Openers. You'll laugh and you'll love the way the MUPPETS approach e... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Break'N The Rules
Muppet Meeting Opener There are few things more frustrating than trying to reason with an over zealous legal department. Case in point:This poor executive seems to be courting disaster by announcing the coffee break. "You can't just say hot coffee" mutters the attorney, "think of the legal ramificat... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Computer!
Muppet Meeting Opener For those who have computer phobia, Grump takes the fear out of hacking as he manages to turn the computer into a pizza machine with the works. A real tasty clip with bits and "bytes" of zany humor. Let the MUPPET crew give your meetings a boost with their award-winning Muppet ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Executives' Island
Muppet Meeting Opener Clear and focused priorities are the most important tools that good management can utilize. Learn about the dangers of red tape and how it can keep you from achieving your company's goals. Sail into your next break with this delightful parody.Let the MUPPET crew give your meeti... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Explosion
Muppet Meeting Opener The seats are hard, the presentations are long and the material has grown boring. In short, Grump is convinced that this meeting has lost its sizzle. Not so, assures Leo, the coffee break is coming. Even so, Grump is sure the coffee will be cold and "all the danishes will be pr... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Great Moments in Business History
Muppet Meeting Opener Bone up on your business skills with this insightful look into the evolution of sales and negotiation techniques from prehistoric times to now. Only a Neanderthal wouldn't enjoy this funny break film! Let the MUPPET crew give your meetings a boost with their award-winning Muppe... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Great Salespeople Through History
Muppet Meeting Opener Every person can be a great salesperson. And every sale is a history-making event. Roar with laughter at the MUPPETS interpretations of great salespeople. Inspire your sales force with this classic new confidence builder and break film. Let the MUPPET crew give your meetings a ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Grump Critic
Muppet Meeting Opener Nothing breaks the spirit of a good meeting like boredom. So Leo asks Grump to signal him if the speech goes sour. Grump finds a loud way to let Leo know when he's bored. A great way to introduce your next speaker without tooting your own horn. Let the MUPPET crew give your mee... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: How to End a Meeting
Muppet Meeting Opener The ultimate rousing send-off! When this fat MUPPET Lady sings, your audience will head out the door howling with laughter and ready to take on the world. Let the MUPPET crew give your meetings a boost with their award-winning Muppet Meeting Openers. You'll laugh and you'll lov... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: How To Sell
Muppet Meeting Opener When our sales rep discovers the importance of knowing absolutely everything, about new customers, prospectors beware! Fancy sales techniques just can't compare with the best-selling method of all: Knowing your customers and anticipating their needs - that's how to sell. A grea... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Muppet Meeting Films: Introduction
Muppet Meeting Opener "I would like to introduce you to the person, who will introduce you to the person, who will..." Zzzzz. Sound familiar? How can you keep your introductions from dragging along? This parody is a great way to keep your audience attentive and eager. Especially when you can use a c... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only