Courses: 1 - 5 of 5
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Assert yourself: learning to be assertive
The aim To show staff what assertive behavior is and isn't, and how and when to be assertive. About the program Assertive behavior means saying what we want, need, feel, think or believe in ways which are direct, honest and appropriate, but also respects the rights of those we are addressing - treat... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
From no to yes - the constructive route to agreement
The constructive route to agreement
The aim To give managers the skills of persuasion, vital in running meetings or trying to influence others. About the program Persuasion is an art that must be learned if the road to agreement is not to be strewn with acrimony or conflict. It's not about being domineering or dismissive, but followin... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Straight talking: The art of assertiveness
The art of assertiveness
The aimTo equip people with the confidence to get their views and ideas noticed. About the programTechniques of assertive behavior are shown in action in a series of different settings from a management meeting to a one-to-one conversation between colleagues. Straight talking shows that the basic ru... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Switch On Assertiveness
SWITCH ON ASSERTIVENESS is aimed at helping everyone communicate effectively and assertively, respecting other people’s rights and their own rights. It is ideal for communication and service skills training, as well as bullying and harassment prevention programs. It can be used for induction, team b... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Switch On Series
The SWITCH ON SERIES has been created by psychologist Eve Ash to help people identify and change negative thinking patterns. Each program is short with a unique tempo and style, great graphics and music… and no voices! The SWITCH ON SERIES uses a simple approach based on the notion of ‘scripts’ or ‘... read more