Courses: 1 - 4 of 4
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A Journey Into The Heroic Environment: 8 Principles to Greater Productivity, Quality, Job Satisfaction and Profits
Based on book by Rob LebowIn the symbolic context of a dramatic story taking place on a cross-country train journey, A Journey in the Heroic Environment introduces the concept of the Heroic Environment, accomplished through eight principles that can lead to greater productivity, quality, job satisfa... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Flight of the Buffalo
Now managers and employees in your organization can benefit from the same principles found in the Warner Books best-seller, Flight of the Buffalo. Authors and management consultants James A. Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer help America's top businesses and governmental agencies achieve unprecedented suc... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Giving Leadership Away
The first reaction of most new leaders is to take on more work—it's a natural reflex. How else can they be sure their project gets done right? But the more the leader takes on, the less motivated the team members become. The greatest challenge for team leaders is to let go of their work. The lead... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Win Teams: How One Company Made Empowerment Work
Among the success stories of empowerment and employee involvement, few are as dramatic and inspiring as that of the Ericsson G.E. Mobile Communications plant in Lynchburg, Virginia.This video demonstrates how an employee involvement program transformed a company. The real people involved - workers, ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only