Courses: 1 - 12 of 14
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Business Profiles: Jessica MacLean with MacLean Law
An interview with Jessica MacLeanFounder and owner of MacLean LawWhen starting a business, all entrepreneurs must assess the benefits of going it alone versus having partners. After being employed at a law firm and defending large, nameless corporations, Jessica decided she no longer wanted to be th... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Business Profiles: Natalie Tessler with Spa Space, Chicago
An interview with Natalie TesslerFounder and owner of Spa Space, Chicago As a child, Natalie was always dreaming up business ideas, and as an adult she always knew she would start one up eventually. She just wasn't sure what kind of business she wanted. So, she did some soul searching to find out wh... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Business Profiles: Scott Swanson with JPMorgan Chase
An interview with Scott SwansonJPMorgan ChaseSmall businesses make up a significant portion of the US economy, but may fail within the first five years of operation. Small business owners must become experts in many things: marketing, business organization, management, production, and finance. Finan... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Developing a Strategic Plan
The mission, goals, and objectives of this successful company are established and the strategic plan evolves from there. Understanding that the customers are both the dealers and bike buyers, and appealing to both, has been valuable. Knowing the competition and sources of supplies and financing, and... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Doing Business in Taiwan
With the impressive growth rate of high-tech industry and commerce in Taiwan, the climate is right for entrepreneurship. Pollution has become a problem, but it is being dealt with.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Specialized Bicycle Components, a company whose history evokes a Horation Alger image, is featured in these program. SBS makes mountain hikes; the video presents the unique character of the industry.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Entrepreneurship and the Starting of a Small Business
Opportunity, profit, independence, and challenge are a few of the reasons some people are willing to take the risk of starting a new venture. Entrepreneur Jay Goltz of Artists' Frame Service gives insight as to what motivates someone to start a business.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Exploring Trends: The Trend That's Waking Up America
The European concept of coffee bars as a community meeting place was the basis for the creation of Starbucks. See how entrepreneurial skill helped to develop a market from almost nothing to a major American phenomenon.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Forms of Business Ownership
Ben and Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream is featured in this video. Three different forms of business are discussed in this video: sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. It explains why a business would choose one of these forms and why it might change from one form to another. Ben Cohen and J... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Managing Small Business Start-Ups: Featuring The Little Guys
Located just south of Chicago, The Little Guys Home Electronics specializes in selling and installing home theater equipment. In just 12 years, they have grown from a start-up company to an established business with annual sales of more than 10 million dollars. Their success is based on a combinatio... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Profiles in Management: Ben and Jerry's
Started on a 'lark' with minimal capital, Ben & Jerry's, because of the founders' philosophy, has made its mark in the ice cream world!
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Real Burger King (Owning a Business)
Using the example of Urban City Foods, this program drives into issues regarding responsibilities and challenges faced by owning a business. Using motivation and determination this owner/coach has achieved paramount success. Growth and expansion opportunities are highlighted through two businesses, ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only