Courses: 1 - 12 of 86
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A Kick in the Attitude
Part of the Sam Glenn video Series Let’s face it, we can all benefit from a positive attitude. In fact, we can all use a good “Kick In The Attitude” now and then. But how do you do it? Well, Sam Glenn has the answer – and you’ll laugh as you learn in this humorous and motivational video. We cannot c... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
America3: The Power to Create Opener
Put the formula that won America's Cup, yachting's most coveted prize, to work in your organization. The crew of America 3 won the America's Cup by overcoming obstacles and focusing on teamwork, technology, and talent. You can learn how this unique combination of organizational skills led to victory... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Another Meeting?
Tired of meetings that are unnecessary, aimless and lack productivity? Well thankfully here is a meeting opener that will help make your meetings shorter, more focused, more productive, and fun! In this meeting opener you will see how a meeting that starts with mundane information and tasks complete... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Attitude: Radiating Possibility Tool for Transformation
Discover this classic best-selling training film with hosts Ben Zander and Roz Zander and bonus new content On its own. Experience this classic for yourself and all nine inspirational tools for possibility everyday. In our culture of measurement, most people develop habits that hold them back. A vib... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Barkles: Paws-o-tive Attitude
Meet the Barkles... our new canine companions who will get your team howling with laughter. You'll love the fun and humor as they motivate your team to higher levels of success.How often have we felt a little overwhelmed with work? How you choose to respond can make a big difference! Now Arf will ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Better Meeting Management
Put an end to unproductive meetings, for good! Are too many unproductive, wasteful meetings eating up your time? If so, then here is the better-meeting-management-training program you've been waiting for to put an end to unproductive meetings. This training program begins by showing you the advantag... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Effective Teamwork
When some people hear the word teamwork they immediately think of games--team sports; yet, teamwork is much more than this. In businesses today the teamwork concept, rather than the old pyramid-shaped organization-chart-process, is what makes them successful. Ideas and decisions are generated within... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Extraordinary (revised edition)
Why not have passion in everything you do?Why not be courageous?Why not have a positive attitude?Why not find beauty in everything?Why not be a leader? A coach? A mentor?Why not do something you've never done before?Why not dream big?Why not have conviction, character, value?Why not attack every pro... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Four Weeks in May
The Indianapolis 500 Race is one of the toughest competitions in the world. To succeed, you need to have great drivers, top-notch equipment, a perfectly coordinated team, and great leadership. Any team that does well in this competition is a model of success. Now you can learn from one of these top ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
G-E-T S-A-L-E-S Cheer with Fern Bratten
Give your salespeople a lift with the "Get Sales" cheer from Fern Bratten. "G-E-T S-A-L-E-S" is a cheer that gives a primer on sales success and Fern combines her characteristic humor and style to get the message across. Fern Bratten can sell anything to anyone... just ask her! As one of the nation’... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Getting Motivated
An animated series developed by psychologist Eve Ash to help people get motivated. Learn how to create a positive mindset for work and improve your productivity and service attitudes. Find out about the Negative Land of W, the negative mood monster and negative scripts and how they keep you stuck. L... read more
Goals: The Backbone of Dreams
Without goals, it is almost impossible to achieve success. In this motivational meeting video, you will learn about the importance of goals. As you watch athletes achieve success in mountain climbing, football, soccer, sprinting, skiing and cycling, you will be inspired by the simple and elegant mes... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only