Courses: 1 - 12 of 260
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Leadership feedback: what employees want to tell you ... but don't
It's true; most leaders live in a vacuum. They don't receive much feedback from the people they lead. In fact, they often have no idea how good--or bad--their leadership really is. "Leadership Feedback" is an entertaining and thought provoking video training program that provides the kind of honest ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Simple Strategies for Customer Service
Designed for young employees and team members aged 16 - 24 years on the how to's of delivering outstanding customer service to the people they serve. Over the last few years we have discovered a disconnect in the way young employees have learned how to provide the kind of s
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
An ADA Customer Service Course for Employees
If you have customers with disabilities then this training program is a must see for every employee. An ADA Customer Service Course for Employees is designed to help you teach all your associates how they can properly provide superior service to customers with disabilities. An ADA Customer Service C... read more
New Release
Video course with post-test
WE WILL -- Grab Hold of Destiny. Push it to a New Level.
Powerful Lessons on Leadership, Teamwork, Victory and Growth from Under Armour How do you grow 20% a year with no end in site? No champion reaches victory without first having fallen, countless times. True champions are those who have failed before but found failure empowering. They don't go home?
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Barkles: Furrific Customer Service
Meet the Barkles... our new canine companions who will get your team howling with laughter. You'll love the fun and humor as they motivate your team to higher levels of success. Some customers are difficult to please... but in this funny meeting opener, Ollie will show you how to deal with a diff... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Barkles: Paws-o-tive Attitude
Meet the Barkles... our new canine companions who will get your team howling with laughter. You'll love the fun and humor as they motivate your team to higher levels of success.How often have we felt a little overwhelmed with work? How you choose to respond can make a big difference! Now Arf will ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Barkles: Sales 101: Finding the itch
Meet the Barkles... our new canine companions who will get your team howling with laughter. You'll love the fun and humor as they motivate your team to higher levels of success. If Freda can do it, you can, too! In this funny sales meeting video, you'll see how to overcome objections and really ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Customer Service Gone Viral
You can't help but notice that almost everything we do now has a chance of being recorded, reviewed and presented to the entire planet. Without question, customers are making their buying decisions based on what they see online. This new kind of customer feedback puts service providers in a very vu... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Customers with Disabilities: Delivering Excellent Service
If you have customers with disabilities then this training program is a must see for every employee. Customers with Disabilities: Delivering Excellent Service is designed to help you teach all your associates how they can properly provide superior service to customers with disabilities.Customers wit... read more
New Release
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Ethics Made Simple
Ethics MadeSimple is a short but comprehensive workplace ethics training program thatcovers virtually every major workplace ethics topic in 8 and a half minutes. Make sure your employees are armed with the facts about what behaviorsare unacceptable in your workplace.This business ethics training pro... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Harassment Made Simple for Managers
Harassment Made Simple for Managers covers every aspect of this important legal topic in 11 minutes. Focusing on the manager's role in preventing harassment, this comprehensive program defines harassment and the steps all managers should take to combat harassment in their workplace. Harassment vide... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Leadership: Influence, Incentives, and Knowledge - L.I.N.K.
Part of the Winning Coaches Series Football’s winning coaches Mike Ditka, Sean Payton, Rex Ryan, and Bobby Bowden talk about how to be a successful leader in this fast-paced training program. These coaches have an amazing track record! Now you can take their core lessons and apply them to your job. ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only