Courses: 1 - 7 of 7
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10 Vital Rules for Giving Incredible Speeches and Why They're Irrelevant
Once a year, Toastmasters International gathers its representatives from chapters around the world to present its prestigious Golden Gavel Award. In 1990, the award went to Tom Peters, certainly one of the most requested speakers in the business world. In accepting the award, Peters addressed the au... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Creating Positive Impressions
Carol greets new clients but struggles with their name pronunciation. Michael and Wendy are not welcoming, so Carol gives them tips on smiling and positive facial expressions. When the clients complain about Mana’s presentation, Carol agrees and puts her down then coaches her - all in front of the i... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series - 50 lessons
COMEDY MAKES LEARNING FUN This 2012-2013 comedy business series was created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown. This series will shock, amaze and entertain you, while at the same time teaching some important lessons in human interaction, in a way you won’t forget! 14 new titles relea... read more
I wasn't prepared for that
Overcoming the fear of making presentations
The aim To give staff at all levels the confidence and skills to prepare and deliver effective presentations. About the program Originally quite comfortable with the thought of submitting a written report on an office relocation, a young executive is panic-stricken when she's told that she has to pr... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Its All In The Presentation
A Double Standard for Women? A couple of years ago, View Magazine called our series, Diversity: Creating Success for Business and People "one of the best products about diversity on the market." And customers agreed! Now, we can offer you a follow-up series from the same company, ARMC. Building a Di... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Presentation is everything
Presentation is Everything is a new ‘video short’ resource from Video Arts. The aimTo help individuals structure and deliver effective presentations: and avoid death by PowerPoint. About this video resource We've all sat through pres
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Presenting with Passion
Carol runs a training session on overcoming fear and changing their presentations from BLAND to GRAND. Carol tells Serena she is being long winded, the L in BLAND. Carol invites everyone to present on a ‘surprise’ item, then gives feedback on their performance, linking it to her formula. Steve is th... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only