Lean the SMART formula and set specific measurable goals that are relevant and achievable within a time frame.
Carol says she is successful because she constantly sets herself daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. She distinguishes between short-term and longer-term goals and introduces the team to the goal acronym: SMART. Sam says S is for S pecific – goals should not be vague (such as aiming to be better) – and offers WH questions: “What do I want?, Why do I want it? and What steps will I take to get there?”. Steve adds that people should also ask “Who do I need to help me get there?” and “When will this happen?” Goals also need to be M easureable and Achievable. Goals must be Relevant and achieved within a Timeframe. Carol invites the team to set themselves a SMART goal. She introduces them to PEA: Persist, Evaluate and Ask. A mentor can be instrumental in achieving goals; one should ask for help.
Key Learning Points
Be clear about your goals. It's the first step towards results
DON'T be vague about your goals INSTEAD: Set specific measurable goals
DON'T tackle unrealistic goals INSTEAD: Set achievable, relevant goals
DON'T be lazy about when INSTEAD: Commit to a timeframe
DON'T give up easily INSTEAD: Persist and ask for help
COMEDY MAKES LEARNING FUN This 2012-2013 comedy business series was created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown. This series will shock, amaze and entertain you, while at the same time teaching some important lessons in human interaction, in a way you won’t forget! 14 new titles relea... read more