Courses: 1 - 12 of 21
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1440 Minutes
Every man, woman and child on the planet wakes up each morning with the same 1440 minutes. It's what they do with them that makes all the difference.Every day contains 1440 minutes. This motivational meeting opener challenges the viewer to use every minute to it's fullest. Using both historical foot... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Actions and Attitudes
Value Priced: Actions and Attitudes provides participants with an insight into seeing their own actions and attitudes from the customer-s point of view. After all, a seemingly innocent phone call can mean an excruciatingly long wait for a customer. There is no sale without service. The higher level... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Are We Really So Different, You and I? (male narrator)
So often we focus on what makes us different, but in reality there is far more that we have in common. This emotionally moving, inspirational video follows the circle of life as it highlights the common values and motivations that we share as human beings. A compelling way to start any diversity tra... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ethics Made Simple
Ethics MadeSimple is a short but comprehensive workplace ethics training program thatcovers virtually every major workplace ethics topic in 8 and a half minutes. Make sure your employees are armed with the facts about what behaviorsare unacceptable in your workplace.This business ethics training pro... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Extraordinary (revised edition)
Why not have passion in everything you do?Why not be courageous?Why not have a positive attitude?Why not find beauty in everything?Why not be a leader? A coach? A mentor?Why not do something you've never done before?Why not dream big?Why not have conviction, character, value?Why not attack every pro... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Five Star Selling : Easy Steps to Great Retail Sales
Perfect for new employees or as a refresher for seasoned veterans, this program presents a logical, five-step selling process that viewers can easily memorize and start using with customers right away. With scenes set in a florist's shop, hardware store, men's clothier, women's boutique, shoe store,... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Flight of the Buffalo
Now managers and employees in your organization can benefit from the same principles found in the Warner Books best-seller, Flight of the Buffalo. Authors and management consultants James A. Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer help America's top businesses and governmental agencies achieve unprecedented suc... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Great Minds on Attitude
Inspiring quotes from some of history-s greatest leaders set to dramatic music and coupled with classic footage. A great way to start any meeting or training session, the Great Minds Series will put your group in the right frame of mind for success.This meeting opener contains quotes from William Ja... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Great Minds on Character & Integrity
A great way to start any meeting or training session, the Great Minds Series will put your group in the right frame of mind for success.This video contains quotes from Oprah Winfrey, Benjamin Franklin, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Pearl S. Buck, Ralph Waldo Emers... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Great Minds on Creativity, Innovation, & Imagination
Inspiring quotes from some of history-s greatest minds set to dramatic music and coupled with classic footage. Let the likes of Thomas Edison, Frank Lloyd Wright, Albert Einstein and Franklin Delano Roosevelt inspire you, motivate you and teach you through their own words, pictures and video.A great... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Great Minds on Leadership
Inspiring quotes from some of history-s greatest leaders set to dramatic music and coupled with classic footage. Let the likes of Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Theodore Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. inspire and motivate you to better leadership through their own words, pictures and vide... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Great Minds on Motivation
Inspiring quotes from some of history-s greatest minds set to dramatic music and coupled with classic footage. Let the likes of Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King inspire you, motivate you and teach you through their own words, pictures and video.A great way to start any meeti... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only