Courses: 1 - 7 of 7
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A Journey Into The Heroic Environment: 8 Principles to Greater Productivity, Quality, Job Satisfaction and Profits
Based on book by Rob LebowIn the symbolic context of a dramatic story taking place on a cross-country train journey, A Journey in the Heroic Environment introduces the concept of the Heroic Environment, accomplished through eight principles that can lead to greater productivity, quality, job satisfa... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Forget For Success: Walking Away From Outdated Counterproductive Beliefs And People Practices
In a world that bombards you with things to remember, true success may rest in your ability to forget! Excess mental baggage can unconsciously weigh you down, hold you back, and take up precious space in your brain.Regardless of our good intentions, each of us is susceptible to flawed beliefs and be... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Servant Leadership
With his initial definition of servant-leadership in 1970, Robert K. Greenleaf planted a seed of an idea which continues to grow in its influence on society with each passing year. We are witnessing a shift in many businesses and non-profit organizations -- away from traditional aut
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Sexual Harassment Beyond The Law
Sexual Harassment BEYOND THE LAW is a straight-
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Tale Of O -- On Being Different Video
A Tale of "O" video explores the consequences of being different. It focuses on a group of people in which some are "the many", who are referred to as the X's, and some are "the few," the O's. Look at the factors that create O's a
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Walk Awhile In My Shoes
"...we can meet in the middle and walk the rest of the way together."From top management to shop floors, all people share the same basic need to be heard, understood, and appreciated. The destructive polarization of the hidden emotion "us vs. them" all
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Yes, But ...
Defend your ideas against killers of creativity! Yes, But... is based on the best selling paperback book by Charles "Chic" Thompson. It offers the best I.D.E.A. ever put forth for defusing "killer phrases" and the people who use them. Yes, But: utilizes a humorous, non-confrontational strategy to cl... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only