Courses: 1 - 12 of 18
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Giving Leadership Away
The first reaction of most new leaders is to take on more work—it's a natural reflex. How else can they be sure their project gets done right? But the more the leader takes on, the less motivated the team members become. The greatest challenge for team leaders is to let go of their work. The lead... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Hire for Attitude
Why focus on attitude? Quite simply, skills can be taught. Attitude cannot. You've probably had the experience of hiring someone who you thought was perfect for the job—only to find out later that the person could not work within the organization. With fewer people doing more work these days, organi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Invisible Meeting
As travel costs rise and budgets shrink, conference calls are rapidly replacing face-to-face meetings. Unfortunately, many people have not yet learned the skills needed to make this type of meeting effective. We have all participated in ineffective conference calls, wasting everyone's time and energ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Leader Madness
Leadership is a powerful substance that can be easily abused. The key to using it wisely lies within each of us. This is the message of the entertaining video training program "Leader Madness."The video demonstrates six warning signs of ineffective leadership, showing how seemingly insignificant act... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Leadership: What's Trust Got To Do With It? - 1st Edition
What can leaders do to regain trust? This video provides realistic methods for rebuilding trust and reestablishing employee involvement. "LEADERSHIP: What's Trust Got To Do With It?" tells the story of a team leader who learns that trust is the foundation of leadership. Using three trust building... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Leadership: What's Trust Got To Do With It? - 2nd Edition
Has your organization lost trust in its leaders? Precisely when organizations need employee involvement, trust levels are low and people are disengaged. What can managers and team leaders do to regain trust? This video provides realistic methods for rebuilding trust and gaining employee involvement.... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Leading with Persuasion
Ever have a great idea but couldn't get anyone to listen? These days success at every level of business depends not only on good ideas, but on the ability to communicate them. Good ideas need somebody to lead them through the process, somebody skilled at persuasion."Leading with Persuasion" demonst... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Managing Me
As the leader of any group, problems are inevitable. do you react? Do you lead with your gut...or your head? This is the dilemma that the host of "Managing Me" grapples with. When problems arise at work, he can choose to react with either impulse or reason. As each situation plays out, the ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Moving Forward In the Aftermath of Trauma
How do you move forward after a disaster? What is the healthy response? The emotional aspects of traumatic events are often ignored—causing low productivity, disillusionment, and resentment within an organization. It is essential that we are prepared—physically and emotionally—for traumatic situatio... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
So Help Me - Employee Edition
What do customers value most in customer service? Solving their problems. Recent research shows that handling customer problems quickly and correctly will retain or even build customer loyalty. Customers who don't get their problems solved will leave and not return. “So HELP Me” (Employee Edition) i... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
So Help Me - Supervisor Edition
How do supervisors affect customer service? We all know that frontline service people directly impact customer satisfaction. But we don't often look at how much a supervisor's behavior influences the service a customer ultimately receives.“So HELP Me” (Supervisor Edition) takes a fresh look at custo... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Talk Isn't Cheap
Poor communication costs money. And it's not just money that's wasted; it's energy, enthusiasm for the job and relationships as well. In this age of empowerment and shared accountability for the bottom line, everyone must take responsibility for communicating clearly.This video demonstrates four... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only