Courses: 1 - 12 of 12
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The balance sheet barrier
The basics of business finance
The aim To enable managers to appreciate how key financial statements are calculated and what they mean. About the program The light-hearted approach of this world-famous video helps take the fear out of financial documents and complex concepts, and although accounts might never become a manager's f... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Demanding customers
Customer care made PERFECT
The aim To give all types of customer-facing staff the rules for achieving customer satisfaction - even when handling the most demanding people. About the programDemanding customers is an amusing video that demonstrates the techniques for making demanding customers satisfied. Several realistic scena... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The dreaded appraisal
Both sides of the appraisal interview
The aim To ensure managers conduct positive appraisals that focus on staff motivation and business effectiveness. About the programThe dreaded appraisal, one of the world's best-selling learning resources, reveals the techniques required for effective appraisal interviewing. The program is highly wa... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
How am I doing?
The perfect appraisal interview
The aim To show managers how to understand and address the needs of their staff. About the program Appraisal interviews offer managers a golden opportunity to identify problems and opportunities, motivate staff and improve performance. But beware! the mishandling of such interviews can create the ve... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
How to lose customers without really trying
Keeping the customer satisfied
The aim To ensure anyone dealing with customers learns the basic techniques for achieving customer satisfaction. About the program This program clearly demonstrates that the same guidelines for keeping customers satisfied apply in different situations, from sales to service to a retail checkout or r... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
I wasn't prepared for that
Overcoming the fear of making presentations
The aim To give staff at all levels the confidence and skills to prepare and deliver effective presentations. About the program Originally quite comfortable with the thought of submitting a written report on an office relocation, a young executive is panic-stricken when she's told that she has to pr... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
I'd like a word with you
The discipline interview
The aim To ensure managers appreciate how to maintain people's long-term performance by applying necessary discipline. About the program This program shows managers and team leaders who have responsibilities for staff just how badly a discipline interview can be handled. By analyzing the wrong way t... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
If looks could kill
The power of behaviour
The aim To ensure customer-facing staff learn how their behavior can be used to improve customers' attitudes, and create new sales opportunities. About the program How people behave when dealing with customers or colleagues can determine the success or failure of each interaction. In this spoof dete... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
It's your choice: Selection skills for managers
Selection skills for managers
The aim To provide managers with all the necessary skills to conduct an effective recruiting interview. About the program A selection interview is a bit like detective work. Suspects must be eliminated until the right person is found, whether from inside or outside the organization. Making the right... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Negotiating: tying the knot
A skill for life
The aim To give staff at all levels the skills to achieve an equitable outcome to any negotiation. About the program Wherever two people get together to do a deal, there's the possibility that at least one will end up feeling cheated, angry or resentful, even though both set out believing that they ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
On the receiving end Making call centers more effective
Making call centres more effective
The aim To help call-center staff resolve customer inquiries effectively and professionally. About the program Customers who are fatuous, difficult or helpless are every call centre operator's worst nightmare. However, it often requires more than just a good telephone manner to deal with these types... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Project management
Leading a project team
The aim To give those tasked with managing projects the skills to maximize their team's performance. About the program Everyone has to manage projects, but not everyone knows how to do it well. Bad management skills can be a costly drain on time and money, causing frustration and stress for everyone... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only