Courses: 1 - 12 of 13
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Culture by Culture
Ways of doing business varies from country to country and culture by culture. World Book Encyclopedia reps convene to discuss these cultural differences.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Differences in Political Economies
Comparison is made among the different economic and political systems, including collectivism, individualism, democracy, totalitarianism. Caution should be exercised when doing business with countries going through changing systems. It is necessary to understand expectations, objectives, and relevan... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Until relatively recently, offices and the workplace did not project our nation's diversity. Now, however, it is an essential issue and it needs to be managed. Recruitment and hiring policies must be adhered to, while employing the best talent. It is vital that stereotypes be overcome and difference... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Employee and Customer Needs
The art of persuasion and what motivates customers that are culturally diverse is discussed. The International Achievement Conference is very important to World Book Encyclopedia sales representatives to not only discuss diversity, but to recognize their achievements in the field.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Global Environmental Communication
As technology is allowing for easier and more global business activity, the necessity of understanding different cultures is greater. Business must be aware of and adapt to these differences in customs and economic practices. Communication and language barriers must be overcome.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
International Business: Coke in Japan
Coke's success in Japan is in great part due to establishing partnerships with knowledgeable locals, being familiar with the culture and customs, and consensus building. They have managed to be part of a local community while being an international company.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
International Business: McDonald's Everywhere
This program explores the complications of doing business outside the United States. Executives from McDonald's give the viewer a first-hand look at McDonald's expansion into India, a country where the people do not eat beef due to their religious beliefs.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
International Finance: McDonald's
The program explores the complications of doing business outside the United States. Executives from McDonald's Restaurant give the viewer a first hand look at the new global market place.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Manufacturing Quality - Honda
Honda was the first Japanese auto manufacturer to open a production facility in the USA. The Marysville, Ohio plant was a great success and has led to a second facility in East Liberty, Ohio. This new plant is the showcase of Honda's commitment to quality. The concept of quality is the culture at Ho... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Marketing Environment
When Coca-Cola launched its product in Japan after World War II, they learned many lessons about cultural differences between the USA and Japan. A senior Marketing Vice President at Coke's Japanese Headquarters discusses many of these issues.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Organizational Buying Behavior
This sales promotion tape is used by Nucor Steel to reach its organizational buyers. Viewers can be asked to critique the video as an effective tool in reaching these organizational buyers. It shows how Nucor Steel is an example of a company that has redefined its industry with a bold, new approach.... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Organizational Culture
Defines organization culture then describes the culture of 3 companies: a science-based, highly profitable company, a high-end department store chain and a company built around its founder's love of blues music. The video shows how the culture of each company is based on unique values, norms, myths,... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only