Courses: 1 - 4 of 4
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A Journey Into The Heroic Environment: 8 Principles to Greater Productivity, Quality, Job Satisfaction and Profits
Based on book by Rob LebowIn the symbolic context of a dramatic story taking place on a cross-country train journey, A Journey in the Heroic Environment introduces the concept of the Heroic Environment, accomplished through eight principles that can lead to greater productivity, quality, job satisfa... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Servant Leadership
With his initial definition of servant-leadership in 1970, Robert K. Greenleaf planted a seed of an idea which continues to grow in its influence on society with each passing year. We are witnessing a shift in many businesses and non-profit organizations -- away from traditional aut
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Workplace Essentials eLearning Course Series
Behavioural skills to help all employees succeed in the workplace. "We all loved the Workplace Essentials which were very entertaining and informative." TRAVIS PERKINS Topics include:
Workplace Essentials Video Series
"We all loved the Workplace Essentials which were very entertaining but also very informative." TRAVIS PERKINS Video Arts Workplace Essentials are designed to help every employee. In 36 short, sharp videos Good Manager and Bad Manager guide the learner through the essential skills needed to succeed ... read more