Streaming Video

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What happens when a government can't pay its bills? How can a nation care for its own people when so much of its resources are used to cover its debt? When a country finds itself in severe monetary crisis, where can it turn for help? They turn to The International Monetary Fund. Founded in 1944, while the world was still in the depths of World War II, the IMF was created to restore order to the global economy and to international monetary relations. This program focuses on three case studies, the collapse of the Korean Currency, the Poverty Program in Uganda and the changing role of the IMF. Literally from the ashes of World War II, the IMF was established to help stabilize international trade. The program focuses on three case studies, the collapse of the Korean Currency, the Poverty Program in Uganda and the changing role of the IMF.
International Business
Release Date
Jan 1, 2003
Video Running Time (minutes)
MacLean Business Videos
Course ID